
Break Rant

I need one from this. In 2002, I had dual infections: diverticulitis and a kidney infection, and my doc admitted me to the hospital. I spent five days in the hospital - four of them on IV morphine with oral percocet every four hours. There was more than pain, of course, and they had misdiagnosed me at first (the first 2.5 days, they were convinced I had a kidney stone, and that prolonged my stay): such an infection can become life-threatening. But I was thinking about this today and realized I've gotten to a point where a five-day hospital stay with IV drugs and someone taking care of me so I have no responsibilities other than resting sounds lovely. I want to be taken care of! I want a break from the damn pain! It's been a year - everything hurts, all the time. Every bowel movement (screw TMI - this is a blog about vulvodynia and the suckiness it embodies...there is no room for the squeamish here!) for an entire year has been excruciating, because of the pressure on the vaginal wall - and then my general pain level is higher than normal for about an hour after. The pain spikes are horrid. What if they become the base level of pain? I couldn't function at all - I can't imagine that. I can't have sex. I can't do anything sexual without pain, even if neither of us touches me, because even arousal hurts. My husband is sad. I am sad. My four-year-old daughter knows what vulvodynia is, and that it means Mommy can't go on the bike rides she and Daddy go on, or go swimming (swim suit causes LOTS of pain), or do all sorts of other things she'd like to do. I can't go for more than a .5 mile walk. I can't ride a bike. I can't sit through an entire session with a client without wincing at least twice. I'm most [cough] comfortable with an ice pack on my crotch. I'm fucking tired. (Have I mentioned that?)

Current meds:
Lyrica (new)
amitriptylin (prepared as a 2% topical compound, because I don't tolerate oral tricyclics well)
Fentanyl patch, 25 mcg/hr - I'm physically dependent to the opiate now - yippee
Oxycodone (2 at bedtime, and seldom any during the day b/c I get just so bloody sleepy)
Prozac (upped to 40 mg/day - if you cry in your doc's office and ask her for a scrip to have a bus drive over you, she increases your antidepressant dose. Besides, chronic pain depletes serotonin.)

I think I will find an acupuncturist.


Quinn said...

Lora just turned me onto your blog. I stared my own vvd blog a few months back:


Please check it out. I've just started getting pudendal nerve blocks and the second round was a complete failure. Have you continued to get blocks? Are you considering surgery?

Thank you so much for starting a blog and sharing your pain.

Kate said...

You're welcome, and thank you, too. I'm hoping also to share whatever the heck makes a dent in this thing.

The block had no effect whatsoever. Dr. Creedon tried a more direct approach - went after the nerves in my labia instead - and that seemed to make it worse. I am not considering surgery, as the only surgery available, supposedly, for the type I have is to destroy the pudendal nerve. Um, not there yet.

I'm sorry the second round of blocks didn't help. I'm off to read your blog now!

Quinn said...

Hi K,

I was taking 200mg three times a day, the maximum allowable amount. I really think the Lyrica has made a difference with me. I'm glad it's doing something for you.

I can't imagine getting shots in my labia. Good God! And for nothing? That sucks!

Kate said...

Yeah, wait until I describe the procedure!

Lyrics...doing something for my foot...while that's nice, it's not really the point :)

Kim said...

I just found your blog via lifewithvulvodynia. I also have a blog about vulvodynia and my other issues. I'm going to link yours...feel free to do the same:

I started the Lyrica a couple of weeks ago. I thought I had some relief the first week, but now I'm finding less and less relief. I'm going to give it a few more weeks before dropping it completely. Maybe upping the dose would help?