
On My Treatment at the U of MN


I saw Angie Brucker in the pain management department at the U - I didn't see someone who was trying to treat the problem (i.e., trying to resolve the underlying issue). I recommend steering clear of her. My experience with her was that she was interested in getting me off pain medication while advising me to seek more therapy (I see my analyst twice weekly) with their therapist and just accept that "sometimes people have to go to work when they're sick." After all, she goes to work when she is sick sometimes.



Anonymous said...

I have pudendal neuralgia (at least that is the latest diagnosis). Ever since I had my first child in 2009 I have had pelvic pain and burning/stinging at the opening of my vagina. I get good days and bad days. I have been on all meds and creams. I have been in physical therapy for 3 years and am now at a pain clinic to get nerve blocks. Anyone have similar experience or other treatment ideas?

Anonymous said...

Even though this is an old thread, I just stumbled upon it in efforts to find where Angie Brucker is now practicing. I was under her care at the pain clinic near the U of M, and I found her very knowledgeable and compassionate. I was hoping to find out where she is working now in hopes to resume working with her again. My primary physician was able to follow her recommendations that met my need for pain management for over three years.

I am sorry for the above person's negative experience with Ms. Brucker. My experience was completely opposite.